
angel lived“Angel lived!” Susie, the market place supervisor and owner of the little lamb, Angel, was ecstatic when she called last evening. The last I had heard down at the “prayer house” on Sunday evening was, “There is a bottle lamb up in the market that is dying.” As I grabbed some medication to send with Anya, the message-bearer, she explained that the lamb was very sick: its tongue was cold, and its breathing was shallow and slow. It was dying. The children in the market place who had carried the lamb for two previous evenings and the adults who had watched and loved the baby lamb were saddened. There is something about an innocent little lamb that grabs the hearts of us all. Sincere prayers went up-yes, even for a little lamb.

And Angel lived!

The story of Angel is but a parable of the many miracles we witness as we watch God work during Bethlehem Revisited. Yes, our culture may be near death, those He loves may be grasping for fresh breath, and, as it did Saturday evening, the cold rain may fall, but– He lives!! And we rejoice in the stories of lives changed, minds enlightened, souls refreshed again this year. Exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.